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What are the world's top 5 video game markets? A foolish take.

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Gamers in five countries could generate nearly $ 98 billion in revenues this year.
The global video game market could grow from $ 137.9 billion this year to $ 180.1 billion in 2021, according to New zoo. The research firm also expects that the top five video game markets will generate almost $ 98 billion in revenues this year.

China forbade famous video game consoles for 15 years (from 2000 to 2015) due to fear of their influence on children's development, but that made PCs - and later mobile devices - only the main game platforms.

In China Ten cent (NASDAQOTH: TCEHY) is now the largest publisher of video games in the world. Ten cent’s games portfolio includes 'League of Legends', 'Clash of Clans', 'Arena of Valor', as well as rings in 'Fortnite' from Epic Games and 'Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds' from PUBG Corporation.
However, questions about the future of the Chinese gaming industry have arisen recently after the regulators ceased the approval of new games due to changes in leadership and substantive concerns.

The division between PC, console and mobile games differs per country, but the growth of mobile games is a common thread throughout these markets. New zoo expects mobile games this year to generate 51 percent of gaming revenues worldwide, fueled by the widespread use of smart phones and the accessibility of touch screen-based games.

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