This time I am sharing with you Upwork CSS3 test answers . Get update Upwork CSS3 test answer from this website. Upwork CSS3 test is a most important for your Upwork profile improvement.So, Friends enjoy this post and if you have another new idea about it. Please post a comment below.
Question_01: Which of the given options is/are equivalent to the following rule?
DIV { line-height: 1.2; font-size: 10pt }
a. DIV { line-height: 1.2em; font-size: 10pt }
c. DIV { line-height: 120%; font-size: 10pt }
Question- 2: The sans-serif generic font-family is characterized by:
b. stroke endings that are plain without any flaring, cross stroke, or other ornamentation.
Question_03: Which of the following properties allow percentages in their value fields?
b. font-variant
c. font-weight
Question_04: Which of the following styles is valid?
c. border: none;
Question_05: Which of the following property doesn’t take up space?
c. Both a and b
Question_06: Can a percentage value be given in a ruby-align property?
b. No
Question-07: What will happen if the cursor property value is set to none?
b. No cursor will be displayed.
Question-08: What is the range of values (in decimal notation) that can be specified in the RGB color model?
b. 0 to 255
Question-09: The color in three digit RGB notation is #fb0. What will be its equivalent six digit color code?
b. #ffbb00
Question-10: backface-visibility:hidden; will this property hide the back side of a transformed div element?
a. Yes
Question-11: What will happen if the pause property is used as follows?
h2 { pause: 40s 60s }
a. pause-before will be set to 40 seconds and pause-after will be set to 60 seconds.
Question_12: Read the following:
@page rotated {size: landscape}
TABLE {page: rotated; page-break-before: right}
What will this code do?
a. It will put all tables on a right-hand side landscape page.
Question_13: Which of the following properties specifies the minimum number of lines of a paragraph that must be left at the bottom of a page?
a. orphans
Question-14: What is the problem in the following style sheet?
@import “style.css”;
@media print
{@import “print-main.css”;
BODY { font-size: 10pt }
h1 {color: red }
c. @import rule is invalid since it occurs inside a @media block.
Question-15: A/An___________ is defined with ‘grid-columns’, ‘grid-rows’ properties.
a. Explicit grid
Question-16: Which of the following are not valid values for the target-new property?
d. parent
e. current
Question-17: Which of the following styles is not valid for an image?
a. img { float= left }
Question-18: What is the initial value of the marquee-speed property?
b. normal
Question-19: What is the default value of the transform property in CSS3?
d. none
Question-20: Which of the following value of the white-space property will set the value of white-space-collapse to “preserve” and value of the text-wrap to “none”?
c. nowrap
Question-21: Which of the following is not a user interface element fragment selector?
c. default
Question-22: If the nav-index property of textbox1 is set to 10, that of textbox2 to 5 and that of textbox3 to 8, what will be the navigation order?
b. textbox2, textbox3 ,textbox1
Question-23: What is the initial value of the opacity property?
b. 1
Question-24: Which of the following option does NOT exist in media groups available in CSS3?
d. braille or screen
Question-25: What is the initial value of the text-align property?
a. start
Question-26: Which of the given rules would result in an object being rendered as above?
a. div { content: ’1′ }
div::before { content: ’2′; }
div::before::before { content: ’3′; }
Question-27: You want to set the image resolution to 300dpi irrespective of the resolution of the image. Which of the following codes will be used?
c. img { image-resolution: 300dpi }
Question-28: If you set the value of the speak property to digits, how would 22 be spoken?
b. two two
Question-29: Which of the following does not apply to external styles?
c. Highest priority
Question-30: To which of the following elements can the min-width property not be applied?
c. table new
Question-31: If the following rule is used, what will be the output?
:focus,:active { outline-offset: 10px }
a. The focus outline will appear at a distance of 10 pixels from the active element.
Question-32: Which of the following rules is equivalent to the em { color: rgb(255,0,0) } style?
e. All of the above
Question-33: What is the initial value of the animation-iteration-count property?
b. 1
Question-34: What will happen if the following style declaration is applied to an element?
p { margin: 3em 2em }
a. The top and the bottom margins will be 3em and the left and the right margins will be 2em.
Question-35: What will happen if the following style declaration is used in the given HTML code?
b. Box 1 will be on the left hand side and Box 2 will be on the right hand side horizontally.
Question-36: Which of the following is the initial value for the column-fill property?
b. balance
Question-37: If you are using the white-space-collapse property with value collapse, what will be the output of the following string?
John leads his team to the victory, but fails to reach the finals.
a. Johnleadshisteamtothevictory,butfailstoreachthefinals.
Question-38: What effect does the following rule have?
div { grid-rows: 4em (0.25em 1em); }
c. It creates a header row with 4em height and alternative rows with 0.25em and 1em heights.
Question-40: What is the initial value of the hyphens property?
b. manual