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Are you ready to upgrade your iPhone?

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IPhone users are accustomed to the fall-release ritual of the latest version of Apple's popular smartphone and the impending announcement raises the annual questions: what are the new features? And do I need to upgrade?

Apple has not made an official statement about the new release, but in history the company releases new iPhones every year in September.

Whether due to a weak battery or limited storage space, iPhone users wonder if it's time to set up the old phone and start fresh. There is also some encouragement from mobile phone companies to upgrade, and, as always, the possibility that Apple will announce new features on the new iPhone.

Reduced productivity
"After they've got a new one, the battery does not last that long", says Karina Mastrapa from Miami, whose older iPhone battery has been on full battery for just an hour while on holiday in San Francisco.

"I'm going to upgrade soon," Mastrapa said.
It is no secret that iPhones have the reputation to slow down as they get older. Apple admitted last year that the aging of older iPhones deliberately slowed down to prevent unexpected shutdowns when the batteries were worn out. There was a lawsuit from angry customers, which meant that Apple had to apologize and offer discounted batteries.

But the delay is still with the users of the iPhone and can affect their decision to upgrade. Kaylie Choi from South Korea says she probably will not upgrade because she bought the iPhone X a few months ago. However, if she decides to do so, it is because her phone is not so fast and can not hold so much data.

"I feel like I use my iPhone more slowly," she said. "And I do not have enough storage space, so I think that's why I receive a new one."

Because of an upgrade
Maybe your current phone works fine, but the mobile phone company says you're ready for an upgrade. It turns out that 90 percent of people buy a new iPhone based on a contract with their service provider, according to Gene Munster, an investor and analyst at Loup Ventures, a venture capital firm based in Minneapolis. The other 10 percent buy the latest phone for the updated features.

Laneigh Hudson from Austin, Texas, is in both groups. She is in need of an upgrade with her provider and she has seen new features.

"I want the better camera," she said. "With work and everything I do on my phone, it's worth it."

Although Apple would rather have iPhone users upgrade every year in September, most people would be satisfied with everything that is available when it's time to upgrade, says Munster.

"It does not matter what the functions are every three years," Munster said.

Must have the newest and best
Apple has been mum about what's coming, but experts predict that three new iPhones are coming. The line-up could include a super-large iPhone that would be the largest ever at 6.5 inches, along with others that clocked at 6.1 and 5.8 inches, according to the analyst of the stock world, Angelo Zino.

The iPhone X, with a 5.8 inch OLED screen, is the largest iPhone to date.

The biggest change compared to last year is probably two devices with OLED screens instead of one. And each of the three new devices is expected to come with features introduced last year, such as face recognition and screenless screens, Zino says.

For the next phone waves, Apple "wants as many people as possible to get the iPhone," he said. If you want to get to know the new phone, the price estimates range from $ 800 to $ 1,100. It is a hefty price, which is a proven success for Apple with the iPhone X. That phone, originally priced at $ 1,000, earned the solid figures from Apple in the third quarter report, which was released Tuesday. Although iPhone sales have remained relatively flat over the past year, the expensive iPhone X has helped raise the average sales price, making the company's best-selling product highly profitable.

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