This time I am sharing with you Upwork U.S English spelling test answers. Get update Upwork U.S English spelling test answers from this website. Upwork U.S English spelling test is a most important for your Upwork profile improvement.So, Friends enjoy this post and if you have another new idea about it.Please post a comment below.
Question: 01. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below
a. Exhilirate
b. Exhilarate (Answer)
c. Exhilireat
d. Exhilrate
Question: 02. Identify the misspelled word in the list below
a. Councelor (Answer)
b. Condescend
c. Camouflage
d. Criticize
Question: 03. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Many would-be travelers were by the price of gas last summer.
a. flabergasted
b. flabberghasted
c. flabbergasted (Answer)
d. flabbergashted
Question: 04. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below
a. Persueb. Parsue
c. Persou
d. Pursue (Answer)
Question: 05. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below
a. Conscentiuos
b. Consentious
c. Conscientous
d. Conscientious (Answer)
Question: 06. Identify the misspelled word in the list below
a. Pageant
b. Poignant
c. Plummage (Answer)
d. Priggish
Question: 07. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Emma has always been fascinated by the way the mind works, so she’s decided to get a degree in __________.
a. pshycology
b. psycology
c. psyhcology
d. psychology (Answer)
Question: 08. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
He __________ a summer house, an exercise bike, and a hamster in the divorce settlement.
a. accquired
b. ecquired
c. acquired (Answer)
d. akquire
Question: 09. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Forfiet
b. Forfeit (Answer)
c. Forefeit
d. Fourfit
Question: 10. Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
a. Indivisible
b. irresistable (Answer)
c. Indispensable
d. Irresponsible
Question: 11. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Gauge (Answer)
b. Gaje
c. Guage
d. Gaige
Question: 12. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
The professor made it clear that ___________ would not be tolerated.
a. plagiarism (Answer)
b. plagiarizm
c. plagerism
d. plagirism
Question: 13. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Temperamental (Answer)
b. Tempermental
c. Temperamentle
d. Temparamental
Question: 14. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Goverment
b. Governmant
c. Government (Answer)
d. Govermant
Question: 15. Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
a. Occasion
b. Occurrence
c. Orangutan
d. Opponant (Answer)
Question: 16. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
The waitress brought me a plate of squid even though I _____________ asked for clams.
a. specificaly
b. specifically (Answer)
c. specifycally
d. specificly
Question: 17. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
He wrote __________on every topic from shoestrings to string theory.
a. prollifically
b. prolificaly
c. prollificaly
d. prolifically (Answer)
Question: 18. Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
a. Managable (Answer)
b. Millennium
c. Minuscule
d. Miscellaneous
Question: 19. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Clara the cat simply chose to ignore the ______________ of our dog.
a. existence (Answer)
b. existance
c. existense
d. existanse
Question: 20. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Persue
b. Parsue
c. Persou
d. Pursue (Answer)
Question: 21. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the option below.
a. exhilirate
b. Exhilarate (Answer)
c. exhilireat
d. exhilrate
Question: 22. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Pronounciation
b. Pronuciation
c. Pronuncitation
d. Pronunciation (Answer)
Question: 23. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Heinous (Answer)
b. Henous
c. Heinus
Question: 24. Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
a. Enhancement
b. Elicit
c. Enegma (Answer)
d. Ecstasy
Question: 25. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
The judge granted the reluctant witness complete ____________ from prosecution for his part in the crime.
a. amnesty (Answer)
b. amnasty
c. anmesty
d. emnesty
Question: 26. Identify the misspelled word in the list below
a. Councelor (Answer)
b. Condescend
c. Camouflage
d. Criticize
Question: 27. Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
a. Stationery
b. Statutory
c. Sincerely
d. Sanctuery (Answer)
Question: 28. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Adress
b. Addrress
c. Addres
d. Address (Answer)
Question: 29. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below
a. Conscentiuos
b. Consentious
c. Conscientous
d. Conscientious (Answer)
Question: 30. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Many would-be travelers were-------- by the price of gas last summer.
a. flabergasted
b. flabberghasted
c. Flabbergasted (Answer)
d. flabbergashted
Former Questions & Answers:
Question: 01.
Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
a. Accomodate (Answer)
b. Analyze
c. Acknowledgment
d. Asterisk
Question: 02.
Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
a. Yacht
b. Youthful
c. Yeilding (Answer)
d. Yesterday
Question: 03.
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
The clown’s performance was _______________, to say the least.
a. dissapointing
b. dissappointing
c. disapointing
d. disappointing (Answer)
Question: 04.
Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Vacuum (Answer)
b. Vaccuum
c. Vacumm
d. Vaccum
Question: 05.
Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Manoeuvar
b. Manouver
c. Maneuver (Answer)
d. Manuver
Question: 06.
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Sally’s nervous __________ left her standing at the altar.
a. fiancé (Answer)
b. finance
c. feancé
d. fience
Question: 07.
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Mrs. Baker took her ______________ class on a field trip to the zoo.
a. kindergarden
b. kindegarten
c. kindergarten (Answer)
d. kindegarden
Question: 08.
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Hazel Dormouse is a _________ creature.
a. nocternal
b. nocturnal (Answer)
c. noctarnal
d. nacturnal
Question: 09.
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
The savvy dancer acted as a __________ between the detective and the cabaret owner.
a. liasion
b. liaison (Answer)
c. liasone
d. leason
Question: 10.
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
_________animals feed almost exclusively on meat.
a. Carnivorus
b. Carnivorous (Answer)
c. Carnivoures
d. Carnivoreus
Question: 11.
Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Gauge (Answer)
b. Gaje
c. Guage
d. Gaige
Question: 12.
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Emma has always been fascinated by the way the mind works, so she’s decided to get a degree in __________.
a. pshycology
b. psycology
c. psyhcology
d. psychology (Answer)
Question: 13.
Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Efficency
b. Efficentsy
c. Efficiensy
d. Efficiency (Answer)
Question: 14.
Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Heinous (Answer)
b. Henous
c. Heinus
Question: 15.
Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
a. Stationery
b. Statutory
c. Sincerely
d. Sanctuery (Answer)
Question: 16.
Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
a. Parallel
b. Prevalent
c. Prejudice
d. Perserverance (Answer)
Question: 17.
Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Leiutenant
b. Luietenant
c. Lieutanent
d. Lieutenant (Answer)
Question: 18.
Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
a. Pageant
b. Poignant
c. Plummage (Answer)
d. Priggish
Question: 19.
Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
a. Quixotic
b. Quite
c. Questionaire (Answer)
d. Quarantine
Question: 20.
Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Adress
b. Addrress
c. Addres
d. Address (Answer)
Question: 21.
Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Reminiscience
b. Reminiscence (Answer)
c. Reminescence
d. Reminisense
Question: 22.
Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
a. Rhythmical
b. Reminiscence
c. Rheumatism
d. Resevoir (Answer)
Question: 23.
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
The judge granted the reluctant witness complete ____________ from prosecution for his part in the crime.
a. amnesty (Answer)
b. amnasty
c. anmesty
d. emnesty
Question: 24.
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
He __________ a summer house, an exercise bike, and a hamster in the divorce settlement.
a. accquired
b. ecquired
c. acquired (Answer)
d. akquired
Question: 25.
Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Temperamental (Answer)
b. Tempermental
c. Temperamentle
d. Temparamental
Question: 26.
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
The crowd ________________ me on my acceptance into Mensa.
a. congradulated
b. congrachulated
c. congratulated (Answer)
d. congratilated
Question: 27.
Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
a. Cachet
b. Connoisseur
c. Charateristic (Answer)
d. Catastrophe
Question: 28.
Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
a. Wierd (Answer)
b. Wired
c. Whined
d. Willful
Question: 29.
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
On the ____________ day of Christmas, Lucy was annoyed to find her yard full of noisy drummers drumming.
a. twelvth
b. twelfth (Answer)
c. twelfeth
d. twelth
Question: 30.
Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
a. Enhancement
b. Elicit
c. Enegma (Answer)
d. Ecstasy
Question: 31.
Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
a. Sophomore
b. Supersede
c. Susceptable (Answer)
d. Spontaneou
Question: 32.
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
He wrote __________on every topic from shoestrings to string theory.
a. prollifically
b. prolificaly
c. prollificaly
d. prolifically (Answer)
Question: 33.
Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
a. Dexterity
b. Desicate (Answer)
c. Dyeing
d. Desecrate
Question: 34.
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Be sure to leave your travel __________with the secretary so he’ll know how to reach you while you’re away.
a. itenreray
b. itinerary (Answer)
c. iteneray
d. itinirary
Question: 35.
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
My father does not believe in ____________ , but my mother does.
a. reincanation
b. reincarenation
c. reincarnation (Answer)
d. reincantation
Question: 36.
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Peter always makes such a _____________ of himself!
a. nuisance (Answer)
b. nuisents
c. newsanse
d. nuisince
Question: 37.
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Clara the cat simply chose to ignore the ______________ of our dog.
a. existence (Answer)
b. existance
c. existense
d. existanse
Question: 38.
Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Forfiet
b. Forfeit (Answer)
c. Forefeit
d. Fourfit
Question: 39.
Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
a. Fluorescent
b. Fullfil (Answer)
c. Facsimile
d. Fictitious
Question: 40.
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Sam _________ a successful political campaign.
a. orchestraited
b. orchestrated (Answer)
c. orchestreated
d. orcestrated